Volcano Arenal, Monteverde

The first thing we saw next morning was the perfect conical shape of the impressive volcano Arenal. It used to continously spy lava and produce massive explosions some years ago; this was an amazing show especially at nighttime but it stopped now. We passed on bad unpaved roads the wonderful landscape towards the towards the Montverde National park.



On our trip we saw places where people think they are in Switzerland or they never left Austria.

The Monteverde National Park is ca. 1500 m high and located in a region that belongs to the Quakers. Some of them left US after being jailed in the 50’s because they didn’t want to register for the draft. They came to Costa Rica and bought ca. 1500 ha land in Monteverde. They choosed this place because it was cheap enough and the land was fertile. The quakers decided to preserve about a third of the land they bought. In this place the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve (Reserve Biologica Bosque Nuboso) has been created which is continously buy additional land with the support of private donations.
The park is an original rain forest with rather cool temperatures.

The number of daily visitors is restricted to 120. The cloud forest is rather cloudy and the vegetation is thick. This combination cuts down on sound as well as visibility. Be aware that while the vegetation is abundant the wildlife that can be seen from the trails is rather poor!